Privacy Policy

On April 2000, Bill C-6, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) became law in Canada, affecting all private sector organizations. The intention of this legislation is to protect an individual’s privacy, guarding against misuse and unwanted dissemination of their personal information by any organization.

I am committed to preserving my client’s privacy regarding their personal information and how it is collected, used and subsequently safeguarded.

I acknowledge that in the course of a business relationship with a client, I will be required to collect personal information about that client. This may range from basic information like an individual’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth and marital status, to information such as credit history, insurance claims history, employment information, and even medical information. This information is collected from sources that can include the individual him/herself, insurance companies, credit organizations, medical and financial institutions.

I further realize that in the course of our business relationships, I may be required to share a client’s personal information with other organizations. These other parties commonly include insurance companies, medical professionals and financial institutions.

My clients’ awareness of, and consent to my collection and use of their personal information is very important to me. I rely on a client’s actions as indications of consent or withdrawal of consent to my existing and future personal information practices: a voluntary provision of this personal information to me, expressed consent contained in a written, verbal or any other appropriate communication, or an appropriate notification to me withdrawing this consent.

Bill C-6 prohibits anyone from making use of a person’s information without consent, and further states that any personal information collected may only be used for the stated reason for which it was collected.

Further information about Bill C-6, and how this federal legislation governs the use of information, as well as how this legislation is enforced, please visit the website for the Privacy Commissioner.

I guarantee that any individual’s information that is collected, used and disclosed in the course of serving that person’s needs will be done in such a method that preserves that individual’s privacy, and will safeguard the security of such personal information in an appropriate manner.

If you have any questions regarding my privacy guidelines, please contact me at or (613) 723-0164.

Frequently Asked Questions about privacy

What personal information does Don Eberley collect?

The personal information in your client file may include your name, address and telephone number, social insurance number, birth date, account holdings and the name, address and social insurance number of your spouse and beneficiary. Depending on the investment or service you request, additional personal information may be held in your client record. For example, if you have established a pre-authorized payment plan, your financial institution account number is also held in your client file.

How is my information collected?

You provide most of this information when you complete a product or service application form or open an account with me. The information is retained in your client file.

How does Don Eberley use my information?

Depending on the product, service or company you are dealing with, I may use your information for the following identified purposes: identifying you; ensuring the accuracy of information in your client file; establishing and administering your account; determining, maintaining, recording and storing account holdings and transaction information in your client file; executing transactions, providing you with statements; providing statements for your investments, transaction confirmations and other information which may be requested as needed to service your account; meeting legal and regulatory requirements; and verifying information you have previously given with another organization when necessary for the identified purposes.
There are times when we may collect information about you from a third party. This information is only used for the identified purposes. These parties include: Other financial institutions and mutual fund companies; third parties who represent that they have a legal right to disclose the information, for example, the executor of an estate.

To whom does Don Eberley disclose my information?

There are times when I may disclose your information to my suppliers or other organizations. This information is only used for the identified purposes. These suppliers and organizations include: other financial institutions, insurers, and mutual fund companies; Canadian governments and government agencies; and Canada Post.
Additionally, I must provide information in response to a valid demand, search warrant or other legally valid enquiry or order. I may disclose information to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of laws.

How does Don Eberley obtain my consent?

Depending on the product or service you are dealing with, you complete a consent to collect your personal information document at the time you complete a product or service application form or otherwise establish an account with me. The consent disclosure may be part of an application form or an addendum to a new account application form. The privacy consent form explains how I collect, hold, and use and disclose your information. By signing an application form, a consent form and/or continuing to do business with me, you are consenting to the use of your information.

Can I withdraw all or part of my consent?

You can withdraw your consent to my use of your information by contacting me. In some circumstances, legal requirements may prevent you from withholding consent. Your decision to withhold information may also limit the products or services I am able to provide to you.

Click here for Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Privacy Policy
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